Use unusual security camera to get solid evidence in burglary scenes.

Burglary also names as home invasion. The unlawful enters with the intent to commit the theft. The owner return home and find the door was open, property were missing. Usually they call the police officer. Without witness or useful evidence, the case may take weeks even months with no luck.

Install security camera is the common practices to collect evidence in case burglary may happen. However, the burglary can easily make out your camera. Then find the way to bypass your security system. The visible camera is also signaled of 'valuables inside' for burglars.

What can we have rather than visible security camera. The below video demonstrates how to deploy the hidden camera inside PIR sensor. Without knowing the camera, it can get solid and hard evidence in burglary senses. The camera can even work with external invisible infrared to light up the sense at night.

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